Drama is the new black.

My mother always told me that a relationship should be easy, and that if it’s dull or hard work then most likely it’s not worth it. The effort that you put into a relationship shouldn’t be something that you are dreading. We all know couples that are constantly getting into fights over the dumbest things, but when you see them 20 minutes or a day later they seem stronger than ever.

My older sister, the ultimate serial dater, consistently has a boyfriend and they are constantly getting into little tiffs. She clarified that it’s better to have little fights and get how you are really feeling into the open, than have it bottle up and explode on each other later. Also, I have heard that when couples have little fights it gives them an opportunity to “prove” their love. Which got me to wonder how some couples never bicker and others are constantly fighting.images

My close friend from school, F, and her on-again-off-again boyfriend are ALWAYS fighting and breaking up. When they are on they are amazing and inseparable, but when they are off…ugh I wouldn’t dare be in a 50 foot radius of them.

Some people believe that if there isn’t drama in the relationship then there is something wrong or that it’s boring. Whereas, others believe that if there is a lot of fighting and the relationship isn’t easy then it’s not worth the trouble. Does drama make or break a relationship?