Lies I told myself…

Many of us have heard the sayings “it’s not you its me” or “you’re perfect, buIMG_2259t it’s just not the right time for me”. Back in October I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend, C, and I believed at the time that I did it to spare his feelings. I felt that if I break up with C then, instead of right before I leave for studying abroad it would be an easier transition before I left. C and I have always talked about getting married, our lives, and ultimately being together in the end.

I was confused as to why I was in such a serious relationship at 19 years old in college. I felt that I should be able to go out and “live it up” and not feel bad for it. So, I made the decision to separate from C, because I thought that the timing wasn’t right and that if our relationship was meant to work out in the end then it will.

Screen Shot 2015-02-09 at 11.38.55 AMRecently, the wheels have been spinning over and over again about all the stuff I said months ago. I now believe that what I had said was my way of convincing myself that what I was doing was for the better. When in reality I selfishly only wanted to go out downtown, single, and would not have to reap the consequences of my actions.

Sometimes the different paths I could have taken cross my mind. The first being that if I had stayed home maybe would we still be together, but I would never stay back unless the relationship was at a very very very serious state. The other being that maybe we should have just stayed long distance considering that we were already doing it. I have constantly been asking myself: am I being selfish or is timing really everything?