More The Merrier?

A good friend that I met abroad once told me, that her mother told her that “she should never participate in anything that she would be ashamed to confess to her future partner”. Dating in today’s society has become very casual, which can be very beneficial depending on what you are looking for. Whereas, on the other hand it can be very detrimental to others and possibly your health. In my life, I have came across many sides to this debate.

My mother explained to me that you should never settle down with the first person you fall for. You should date around, so that way you can experience and find out what you like and what you don’t like.

tumblr_m7suj3egAB1r1c49to1_500My best friend, that recently just got out of a 4 year relationship, believes that how many people you sleep with matters and that you will be judged on choices. She spelled out that if you don’t know how many people you’ve been with, then thats already too many.

My sister’s boyfriend clarified that people don’t care about how many people you have slept with as long as you don’t care.

I have always believed that what you want to do behind closed doors is your own choice, as along as both parties are being safe, then who cares!

7b46874d5e8c664958f8536f34bb9825On the other hand, if you asked a guy if their number mattered, I have a solid feeling that they would say that it didn’t. But here is where it gets interesting…as a woman would you feel the same about the man you were in love with if he didn’t know how many people he had been intimate with. Although there is a double standard against women for how many people you sleep with when your young, I feel that the double standard is flipped when it becomes time to settle down for marriage. In today’s world, when you are young, women get judged harder for being promiscuous than men do. However, if women keep up their Madonna reputation and the man is the “philanthropic” one then she’s the one that is turned off.

So, does your “number” only matter if you think it does?

Just recently saw this on buzzfeed!

One comment

  1. April · March 9, 2015

    My husband of eight years doesn’t know my number.


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